Come celebrate with us in-person every Sunday at 8am and 10:30am (with livestream) or online on this page or our YouTube channel!
Or call toll-free to listen to the 10:30am service on your phone!
Want to hear just the sermon? Click here for our sermon playlist.
Submit your prayer request to add someone to Trinity's parish prayer list. You'll have options for including the person in our weekly PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE, and/or on our Trinity Parish PRAYER CHAIN.
Your offering by credit card, bank withdrawal, or check is essential as we continue serving people in body, mind, and spirit during these challenging times.
Want to contribute via text? Simply text MYTPC $25 (or any chosen amount) to the phone number 73256. You’ll receive a text message in response with your next steps.
Dear Family of God,
Generosity is a journey. It’s a practice that we learn and nurture within our hearts. It isn’t in our nature to give away what we have worked hard to acquire or to donate our precious time without compensation. It takes something as radical as Love to inspire us to share our time, talent, and treasure with others. This is a journey we make together, a Walk in Love.
As we have lived with the Gospel of St. Mark this year we have been brought into a world turned radically upside down. The laws and customs that had been in place for centuries are challenged. Power and dominion are questioned. A culture hemmed in from all sides by oppression and subjection desperately seeks a way forward.
As it turns out, it is not clever politics or force that cause changes in society, but the simplest concept of Love. Jesus prompts a revolution of thought and heart by daring to reach out to the outcast and teach others to do the same. He walks in love with the marginalized, the poor, and the sick, and He brings us along with him on his journey.
The most miraculous gift of Love is that it was there within us all along; all we had to do was find it, tap into it, and begin growing it. And look what happened? We learned to share, to give, to volunteer, to accompany others, to feed, to pray, to visit, to strive for change. This year in our fall stewardship program, we are raising up stories of how we Walk in Love with each other in our congregation. I invite you to share your stories of inspiration and connection with one other. I invite you to Walk in Love.
Yours, in faith,
the Rev. Sabeth Fitzgibbons, 12th Rector
Coffee Hour
After Sunday services! Please join us in the Parish Hall (across the courtyard) for coffee and conversation.
Thursdays at 8:00PM in the Trinity Library
The Trans And Non-Binary In Recovery AA group is an open meeting every Thursday at 8:00PM.
Sponsor Sunday Flowers?
Did you know that you can sponsor Sunday flowers for worship? It’s a lovely way to honor Moms, Grads, Dads, PRIDE, Juneteenth, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, or any other special date that is meaningful to you. Suggested donation $30-50/week, and may be made through the usual avenues (indicate Flowers). Contact Marilyn Scott-Knutson to sign up for a specific date and to let her know your flower preferences and dedication message.
Assisted Listening (Additional Amplification) Now Available During Services:
To use your existing hearing accessories, connect to our Welcome_Trinity WiFi network on your phone, download the ListenWiFi app on your phone, and then scan the venue to find our ALS Trinity stream. We also have listening devices available to borrow.
Click here for the full calendar of events.
January 2025
Ungreening the Church (1/5 after the 10:30AM Service)
On the 12th Day of Christmas, we invite many hands to help as we take down the Christmas greens, trees, and other Christmas decorations after the service.
Compline - A Sung Service in the Evening
Thursday, January 9 at 8:15PM to 8:45PM in the Sanctuary
Seniors from the Seattle Girls Choir will be joining the Trinity Choir to lead this service. Compline resumes its 1st Thursday schedule in February: 2/6, 3/6, 4/3
Memorial Service for Neil Jacques (9/3/1934 - 6/16/2024)
Saturday, January 11, at 3:00PM in the Sanctuary
All are invited as we celebrate the life of Neil Malcolm Jacques.